Changing Emotions with Emotions

Join isEFT

There are five levels of membership in isEFT:  
  1. The category of General members refers to students and other interested people. General members do not not practice EFT. Their dues are US$35 per year
  2. The category of therapists who practice EFT, including certified EFT Therapists. Their dues are US$70 per year.
  3. EFT supervisors are members who have been recognized officially within isEFT by an EFT trainer as supervisors and can provide the supervision hours needed for achieving the different levels of EFT training.  Their dues are US$100 per year.
  4. EFT trainers are members who have already been recognized as supervisors and who provide EFT trainings outside their local EFT institute, such as trainings offered by other regional EFT institutes.  Please note the isEFT Board of Directors must formally approve all Trainers. Trainer dues are US$200 per year.
  5. EFT Institutes are teaching organizations that offer and coordinate formal, comprehensive EFT trainings and other events aimed at promoting EFT for their region.  They have an isEFT Board member on their boards with whom they consult on course delivery and content. It is expected that Institutes will formally recognize EFT therapists and supervisors in line with to their regional requirements for psychotherapy training and the isEFT training requirements. Institutes are invited to liaise with central isEFT administration to have trainings and EFT supervisors and therapists listed on their website linked to the isEFT website. Contact information is listed on the website. It is anticipated that therapists practicing EFT in a specific region will join isEFT and that all supervisors and people, who offer training within Institutes, will join as general members or supervisors.  Dues for Institutes are US$500 per year.  

Discount membership for low income countries:

  • To make membership in isEFT more accessible to include diverse populations, isEFT offers a 30% or 50% discount for members and Institutes from low-income Countries. 
  • Guidelines for categorizing Countries are based from World Bank Country Lending Group. We apply three categories for low income countries: category one (low), category two (lower-middle) and category three (upper-middle).  
50% discount only for the category: one and two from low-income countries.
30% discount only for the category: three from low-income countries.

Please note that you need to Activate membership after subscribing below.

Subscription form

* Mandatory fields
*Level of training, choose what applies to you
*First name
*Last name
*E-mail address
*Name of your local EFT (Training) Institute or name of your local EFT Trainer
<Where did you follow your EFT Training?>
Name of your Institute
<only if you subscribe as an EFT Institute>
Address of Institute
Institute Website
First Name (2nd contact Institute)
Last Name (2nd Contact Insitute)
E-mail 2nd contact
Canadian Provinces
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