Changing Emotions with Emotions

International Society for Emotion-Focused Therapy 

Minimum Training Standards for Couples Therapy Training Programs 

(febr, 2025 Version)

The isEFT Board has created minimum standards for training programs in order for the program to be recognised as an isEFT certified training that meets criteria for training in EFT for Couples.

Below are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program of the 5 levels of recognitoin and also the possibility of certification: 

    • Level A: Completion of Basic EFT Training
    • Level B: Completion of EFT Supervised Practice
    • Level C: Certified EFT Therapist
    • Level D:  Supervisor
    • Level E: Trainer 

Standards Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples training - Level A 

These are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program.

Level A: Completion of Basic EFT for Couples Training

   1. Entry requirement:

Participants must have a professional training in some form of therapy, either systemic or individual models, and be an accredited practitioner. Note this includes Master’s level or above.* 

   2. Complete didactic/experiential workshop training Levels 1 & 2: (minimum of 8 days

        with in vivo small group skills practice) delivered by EFT trainers, covering:

  • Introduction to basics of theory including emotion theory, and systemic/interactional theory.
  • Discussion of 3 systems (attachment, identity, attraction/liking) underlying couple interactions.
  • Distinguishing and working with attachment and identity. 
  • Empathic attunement to affect
  • Working with alliance issues in couples.
  • Discussion of different types of cycles.
  • Thorough and detailed discussion of 5 stage, 14 step model.
  • Working with emotional injuries, betrayal and forgiveness.
  • Self-soothing.
  • Compasses.

   3. Supervision requirement:  

Complete with a recognized EFT supervisor or supervisor in training (i.e. under the supervision of a recognized EFT supervisor) either:

  • at least 3 days (5 hours) group supervision (with presentation of at least one couple for 1 hour)


  • five hours of individual supervision of own work with at least 2 couples.

Individuals who have completed level A are entitled to membership status at level A and to be listed on the isEFT website, substantiated by certificates of completion of level I and II and confirmation of completion of supervision by the isEFT recognized supervisor.

* It is recommended that therapists who have no prior training in humanistic-experiential therapies (eg person-centered, focusing-oriented, gestalt), seek additional training in these approaches, with a specific focus on empathy including the empathic attitudes and empathic attunement to affect and emotion, empathic tracking, empathic reflections and responding.

Standards Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples training - Level B 

These are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program.

Level B: Completion of EFT for Couples Supervised Practice:

  1. Entry requirement:

Completion of Basic EFT for Couples Training - Level A  

  2. Supervision of videos of therapy sessions with a recognized EFT supervisor

    • Accumulate a total of at least 60 hours of direct client contact applying EFT principles and techniques (empathy, deepening, tasks, and case formulation) with a minimum of 2 couples.
    • Receive a minimum of 16 hrs of direct supervision with at least 2 couples. Supervision may be in group or individual format. If supervision is received in a group format, there must be 16 hours of personal supervision of your own therapy practice.
    • Attendance must be confirmed by the EFT Couple supervisor.

Trainees who have completed level B are entitled to membership status at level B and to be listed on the isEFT website, substantiated by confirmation of completion of supervision sessions by their isEFT recognized supervisor.  

Standards Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples training - Level C 

These are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program.

Level C: Certified EFT for Couples Therapist

  1. Entry requirement:

EFT Level B: Completion of EFT for Couples Supervised Practice

  2. Evaluation of EFT Therapist Skills
  • To demonstrate competency therapists, provide 2 videotaped sessions (involving 2 different couples) with competent work demonstrated (translate/transcribe where necessary).
The sessions will be evaluated by isEFT recognized EFT-supervisors, on the following minimum criteria:
    1. Therapist Empathy
    2. Proficiency in case formulation which includes interactional Cycle and positions in it (.ie. pursuer vs distancer, types of emotions (primary, secondary), historical origins identification
    3. Emotional deepening capabilities and empathic attunement to affect.
    4. Ability to differentiate attachment vs. identity in context of primary emotions, needs an dcycles.
    5. Working with alliance issues in couples.
    6. Discussion of different types of cycles.
    7. Thorough and detailed understanding of 5 stage, 14 step model.
    8. Understanding of how to differentiate and work with emotional injuries, betrayal and forgiveness.
    9. Self-soothing.
    10. Compasses

      • Brief case description, including a competent Case Formulation that accurately describes cycle.

      Trainees who have completed level C are entitled to membership status at level C and to be listed on the isEFT website, with confirmation by the isEFT recognized supervisor who has evaluated their skills. 

      Standards Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples training - Level D 

      These are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program.

      Entry requirement:

      EFT Level C: Certified EFT therapist for Couples for at least 3 years.

      Level D: EFT-Couples Supervisor

      • National/regional training institutes (including university programs that deliver isEFT recognized training) and/or EFT-trainers determine who is qualified to provide supervision in EFT.
      • isEFT recognized Supervisors will evaluate level B trainees to determine if they qualify for level C certification.

      The minimum criteria to become an EFT for Couples supervisor for those without previous experience as a supervisor:

      1. Therapists who have attained EFT level C and have practiced for a minimum of three years.
      2. Attendance of at least 2 masterclasses led by isEFT approved trainers.
      3. At least one round of shadowing or facilitating for level A (EFT I and II).
      4. At least 5 hours of direct meta-supervision, in which recordings of at least 3 supervision sessions were reviewed and approved by an EFT Trainer.


      1. Attendance at an isEFT approved Supervision Training Workshop for a minimum of 18 hours.
      2. Attendance at the bi-annual training meeting organized by the isEFT board.
      3. Attendance of conferences and masterclasses on a regular basis.

      Trainees who have completed level D are entitled to membership status at level D and to be listed on the isEFT website as Supervisors, with confirmation of attendance of 2 masterclasses, facilitation experience and letter of support from their isEFT recognized supervisor.

      Standards Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples training - Level E 

      These are the minimal requirements and may be expanded by institutes depending on their training program.

      Entry requirement:

      EFT Level D: Certified EFT for Couples Supervisor for at least 3 years.

      Level E: EFT-Couples Trainer

      • Trainers deliver trainings in Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples that are recognized by isEFT.
      • Normally the heads of EFT-institutes who are EFT-trainers recommend new trainers.
      • Trainers who are not heads of institutes may recommend trainers to the board.
      • In cases where the head of institutes are not yet trainers, they need to be supervised and recommended by the board member(s) or their delegate affiliated with their institute.
      • The approval of trainers is at the sole discretion of the board in part based on consideration of regional needs and priorities.

        Criteria to become an EFT trainer:

        1. Level D: Certified EFT Couple Supervisor for a minimum of three years.
        2. Facilitate one EFT Couple Level 1 and one EFT Couple Level 2.
        3. Deliver two different half-day EFT Couple training modules from EFT Couple level I or II. The delivery of the modules must be observed and assessed by a trainer appointed by the EFT-trainer who is head of the national/regional institute, or a trainer appointed by the board where there is no trainer heading the national/regional institute.


          1. Attendance at a minimum of 18 hours of an isEFT Trainer workshop.
          2. Attendance at the bi-annual trainers’ meeting organized by the isEFT board.
          3. Ongoing professional development.

          Trainees who have completed level E are entitled to membership at level E and will be recognized on the isEFT website as providing trainings EFT for Couples, after being presented to and appointed by the board.

          Please note: Trainers of EFT for Couples who receive invitations to deliver isEFT recognized EFT trainings in a region with an existing EFT-institute are expected to share this information with the head of the existing national/regional EFT-institute to determine any conflicts of interest. 

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